I haven't been able to sleep very well for the past several nights (which is not like me), so when O started fussing last night at 1:30am I pretended to be so sound asleep so my hard of hearing husband would eventually hear the monitor (which is on my side of the bed) and go take care of the poor little guy - such a bad mom and a bad wife!!!
Well - here is the payback...
I hear this voice through the monitor, "Honey - he puked all over his crib."
Great! So up I go to take off all of the sour smelling, oh so nasty bedding (love the snap on ultimate crib sheet) while dad changes the kiddo and tries to wash the muck out of his hair.
Just as I take the sheets to the washer Luke comes out to share that he peed the bed! Love it!
Well - lets strip another bed and wash all the ick together!
Well by 2:40am the whole house is back to sleep.
Bummer though - I had to re-wash the whole load in the morning - yeah - forgot to put the soap in the machine in the middle of the night!!!
Anyway - so I went into work before O woke up (6am) so I could line up a few things and not have to been in at my normal time (7am). Then came home to shower and let him sleep in a little longer while dad took Luke to school. He woke up just as I got out of the shower. Had a nice bubble bath - but still couldn't get all of the stench out of his lovely locks. He ate a great breakfast - kept asking for more which made me a bit nervous. He then was off to play around the house and was in a terrific mood.
So - I continued to get ready to go into work. O even went to get his shoes and his hat - he wanted to head out of the house too. Well - I get to day care and they want him to be symptom free for 24 hours - I never remember these rules because my kiddos hardly ever get sick. I could take him to Dinosore (sick child care - free for hospital employees) but since I had the day at work pretty much covered I decided I should hang out with the little guy. Such the trials of a working mom - so tough when the little guys are sick - I just have to take the time away to sit and hold them until they feel better.
He seems to feel fine - taking a nice nap now so mom gets to blog. We will see how the day goes - so far so great!