Sunday, September 16, 2007

Doing it Old School

Having a great family weekend. Getting lots of things done on the "to do lists" and spending good quality time with all.
Friday night - surprise 50th bday party for Sharon from work, took both boys as Joe was off to double header softball game, then took the little men to Target to buy birthday gifts for for Saturdays party
Saturday - employee picnic with the family, boys loved jumping on those air filled toys and munchin on blue snow cones, Joe and Luke were off to John-John's bday party at Pizza Factory while O and I hung out with Aunt Vicki waiting for them to return. Once they returned Vicki and I headed out to dinner and a movie while Joe spent some quality time crying over the Huskers. I didn't get home until midnight! Really enjoyed the comfy seats at the new movie theater (The Brave One - rather intense - so glad I live in Montana - I am NEVER moving.)
Sunday - up early to work the nursery at 830 service - it was only my kiddos to watch and two older girls were even there to "help" me. No one with little ones seems to be able to make it to that early service. Not sure if we will switch to 1030 instead??? we are down to only 2 more services before we move into new church anyway. sunday school will start up then too so we shall see how early sunday will begin for the Bilaus then. After church, it was a stop at Safeway for the Sunday paper then back home to get going on the "to dos". Getting the house and yard presentable - Joe's cousin and his wife and 3 kiddos are coming to visit this week from Nebraska. Joe is off to softball picnic tonight and then home for some O.C. marathon with me after boys are in bed.

The "Old School" report comes into play here...I love these guys! I am SO out of the loop - I had no idea this was even out there! Thanks, J!

I also walked into the bathroom to have my husband cursing at the wall. His stud finder was faulty in finding the stud and he screwed two holes into the wall while trying hang a mirror for me. He was using a screwdriver rather than a drill - not sure why my woodworking husband was going "old school" and not using a drill but whatever - maybe it's b/c I was in the other room getting all hot and bothered by the BSB video;)


Kim said...

Oh...BSB...heard they're making a comback. Are you still the president of their fan club?

life with the wisners said...

yes. yes, she is. actually co-president.

k, you make me proud.

seven days.