Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Hot Sand

The most curious bedtime conversation from Luke...

Luke: "Why can't we walk on hot sand?"

Mom: "Because it will burn our feet."

Luke: "And it will turn into fire and then we are dead?"

Mom: "No we will just hurt the skin on our feet."

Luke: "Why can lizards walk on hot sand?"

Mom: "They have different skin than we do and it doesn't burn their feet."

Luke: "Why didn't God give us skin like that?"

Mom: "He made each of us different."

Luke: "Yeah, and he made nice big lizards that we can ride on the hot sand so we won't burn our feet until they are dead from fire."

Now with all of those issues solved we can rest well tonight!


Anonymous said...

Kelly! I can't figure out how to email you, but what fun to see you on my guestbook. I left a surprise on my blog just for you today...hee hee! Love seeing your pic and your family.

Kim said...

I love it. Sounds like something that would be discussed at our house too!