Monday, February 11, 2008

there's more

I forgot - to add to my week.
I have a dental appt Wednesday (during my work week) - oops!
Also, reading one other book. It is quite humbling - actually hard for me to get through - hits my clutterbug life a little too close to home. Can you believe my boss gave it to me? I don't think she thinks it applies to my work environment but she knows my tendancies and she happens to share them with me.
The same author has a new one out but I have to tackle this one first...

1 comment:

life with the wisners said...

ok, i just saw something about the second book. and i'm hooked. i haven't bought it, but i totally buy into the theory.

i'm so freaking tired after reading all that's going on in your life.

and the books? seriously. stop with the books.