Monday, October 08, 2007


Well, L had his 1st dentist appt last week. He did so well! Of course, I thought I'd be the cool mom and take him out to eat afterwards before taking him back to school. I forgot about the stinking flouride treatment and no eating or drinking for 30 minutes afterwards. My favorite part were these - what a great idea. Why don't they have adults wear these so that crazy light doesn't get in your eyes???
I also had a 1st! Won my first blog contest - check it out! Getting a start on my Christmas shopping;)
My nephew took his 1st plane ride this past week too! That's right, Mr. T made his way out here from Texas to meet his cousins and uncle. Also of note, Grandma Jeanette is making her way out to Montana to meet her newest great-grandson too! We look forward to some fun family time!

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