Friday, November 09, 2007

Plan B

Well, we had hoped to make it out to "The Beach Ball" (a dance for employees of the hospital) but we ended up with a sick babysitter. Darn it. No social time for us.

I even had my haircut scheduled for right before the big event.

Oh well, plan B. Put kiddos to bed. Bring home sandwiches. Veg out watching The O.C. (we are into Season 3 now). Snack on Hot Tamales (just in case I didn't reach my caloric intake with the philly cheese steak I just inhaled).

This will be just as much fun - especially for me who gets rather anti-social these days.

Plan B also followed through at work today too. Got of early so I had time to go workout before my haircut - thus I could have a philly cheese steak for dinner!

Sometimes I love plan B;)

1 comment:

life with the wisners said...

seriously. why do we not live closer? we totally could've done plan B with you. buz LOVES philly cheesesteaks too! and the hot tamales. you wouldn't have seen many of them had i been there.

oh, how this made me miss you.